As part of the 100th-anniversary celebrations of diplomatic relations between Japan and Türkiye, the play The Shining City by Japanese playwright and director Oike Yoko was performed by Theater Department students of Bilkent University.
THE play, a collaboration between the Embassy of Japan, the Japan Foundation, and Bilkent University’s Theater Department, was directed by Oike Yoko. Students from the university’s theater program brought the play to life. Presented over four performances at the Bilkent University Theater Hall, the play received widespread acclaim from theater enthusiasts.

Oike Yoko, the playwright, director, and head of the Usagi Stripe Theater Company, traveled to Ankara to oversee the joint production project with Bilkent University. During her four-week stay, Yoko conducted various workshops and directed The Shining City with second and third-year students participating as actors.
Set in the art workshop of a high school in a small town covered in factory smoke, the play revolves around the events surrounding third-year student Matsuzaki and second-year student Hana.