German Unity Day was celebrated with a reception organized at the German Embassy in Ankara. Speaking at the reception, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Director for EU Affairs Ambassador Mehmet Kemal Bozay said, “We believe that the unity of Europe will not be complete until Turkey becomes a full member of the EU.”
M. Ferhat Yuksel
The reception hosted by the German Ambassador to Ankara Jürgen Schulz and his wife Sheila Stanton was attended by Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Director for EU Affairs Ambassador Mehmet Kemal Bozay, as well as many foreign mission representatives and guests. The reception started with opera singer Ünüşan Kuloğlu singing the Turkish and German national anthems. Speaking at the reception, Deputy Foreign Minister Bozay stated that Germany is a strategically important partner for Turkey and said, “Germany’s solidarity following the devastating earthquakes in Turkey on February 6 is a true testament to the strong ties that bind our two nations. Germany is also an important partner for our green transformation and digitalization efforts. There is potential for further cooperation in these areas.” “Even though the Berlin wall has been demolished, other walls are rising in Europe today,” Bozay said: “There is still a long way to go for European unity. We believe that the unity of Europe will not be complete until Turkey becomes a full member of the EU.”

Ambassador Jürgen Schulz emphasized that Turkey is also a strategically important partner for them and said: “Germany and Turkey are working together towards our common goals. The magnitude of the disaster in February is indescribable and the devastation is still on all our minds. Reconstruction after the earthquake will take time and Germany is determined to stand by Turkey in the medium and long term to meet this challenge.”