The Ankara State Opera and Ballet Modern Dance Ensemble premiered ‘Human’ at the Opera Stage, captivating art enthusiasts. The work, choreographed by James Sutherland, explores the essence of being human in today’s world, where artificial intelligence has become an integral part of our lives.
Choreographed by the British artist James Sutherland, Human premiered at the Opera Stage, presented by the Ankara State Opera and Ballet Modern Dance Ensemble. This two-act production delves into the age-old question of what it means to be human.
Highlighting that the question “What makes us human?” has been pondered for centuries, Sutherland stated that it holds even greater significance in the era of artificial intelligence. Speaking about the piece, the British choreographer said:
“Human beings consist of both a physical and a spiritual structure. However, these two aspects are not harmonious. In other words, one side desires one thing, while the other side wants something entirely different. The only time these two elements come together is in a moment of unity—a convergence of time and space. When they align, we possess an extraordinary power that transcends our physicality. And this is what makes us human—something a machine can never achieve.”

The work is designed in four sections. The first section depicts individuals coming together in small or large groups. In the second section, boundaries, competitiveness, and compromise emerge, and group identities become exclusionary. The third section introduces the realm of spirituality through a solo performance by a female dancer. In the final section, the balance of physical, intellectual, and spiritual energies leads to a reconciliation between the individual and the group, modernity and nature, as well as humanity and machines.
The choreography, bearing James Sutherland’s signature, features music by Davidson Jaconello and Ravel, stage design by Aykut Öz, costume design by Aydan Çınar, and lighting design by Bülent Arslan and Durmuş Ercan.